Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy approach, combined with Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness (becoming more self-aware), is an effective treatment program for both addictions and chronic habits.
• Nail-biting,
• Hair-pulling
• Nervous tics
• Stuttering - to name a few
These habits are often the symptoms of unexpressed anxiety, they become worse when anxiety increases and improve when the client is particularly relaxed.
Habit Reversal technique is an evidence-based approach and highly effective Behavioural therapy that is commonly used in the treatment of body focused repetitive behaviours. It is usually delivered in a single two-hour session with a one hour follow up session one to two weeks later to prevent relapse.
This method is still regarded by researchers as one of the most evidence-based approaches to habit-breaking in the field of psychotherapy.
“Habit reversal training for simple habits has a strong success rate, with a study of 300 subjects showing an average 90% reduction in the habit following after the 2- hour session of habit-reversal training , improving to 97% reduction in habit after one month.” — Nunn & Azrin, 1977
The protocol for Habit reversal training is made-up of five parts:
With Habit Reversal , an empowering principle is that what has been learned can be unlearned.
We can discuss how Cognitive Behavioural hypnotherapy and advanced Relaxation Techniques could help you reverse habits.